Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Life worth living....For me.

     I grew up in paradise, A place called metchosin, (which translated means Stinking Fish, but that is a story for another time.) It was a little place outside of Victoria on Vancouver Island. My every day play mates were, My chickens, My Bunny, My Guinea pigs, pigs, and of course, My Dog Molly. There was so much to do, explore the woods, look for snakes under the 2 square foot concrete blocks at the back of the property, or catch frogs in the ditch at the bottom of the driveway. Much of my time was spent Riding my bike around the house, roller skating, exploring the woods around the property and much more. Sometimes during the early and mid fall if I was really lucky, I could find and Eft along the road or under a log.. An eft is an immature reddish orange Newt, I had a couple as pets and would dig worms for their food. My dad taught me how to feed the efts by hanging the wriggling worm in front of its nose. They were almost as fun to watch eat as my frogs. They lived in the terrarium that my dad and I built out of My old cracked aquarium. I would leave the bathroom window open and the light on, attracting crane flies for their dinner. Crane flies are incredibility easy to catch and make for good Frog eating. They look like a really big mosquito but do not bite. Some days the frog would miss them with his big pinkish white tongue which would get stuck to the glass. That was always funny, and gave me a chance to see what it looked like. We would never keep any amphibian long, as they are much happier in the wild. a good week was all we needed for learning and play.
When I wasn't off scavenging new pets, I would sit under the big pine trees and Listen to the eagle whistling, and the sparrows twittering. Or Climb up the alder and read a book, or play superheros, and explore, and build amazing tree forts with the boy next door. Our highest was 8 levels tall, His dad built the main part then we would pound nails into 2X4s and weave rope around them for our next level and so on. And sometimes I would help Romeo, my sisters Guinea pig; over the barrier between him and the girly guineas....That's where I learned a little more about how babies are made.
     During the winter I learned about physics with tobogganing down our steep hill for the 2 days per year that there was snow, or redirecting the water as it poured in streams down the paths. I also learned that my parents will FREAK OUT if I bring a poor innocent mouse inside after it was attacked by the cat. I learned about life, procreation, and death. Mostly I learned my heavenly father loves me. You cannot stand at the top of Mount Ash watching the sun set into the Sooke harbor while the moon rises over the forest and not feel loved by a supernal Father.

     It was outside in nature that I first started contemplating my Divine Nature, and the divine nature of Animals, and all gods creations. The scripture that says the god is mindful of even when a sparrow falls, was one that always stuck with me. I always tried to treat all the creations I handled with love and respect. I learned not to fear Gods creatures, not Even the carpenter ants, right before I threw them into the spiders web. Fall was such a great time growing up, when the termites and carpenter ants would fly out of their nests, my sisters and I would watch them climbing out from the trees, or landing on them (I am not sure which) then gather them up and go and feed all the hungry spiders. It was amazing watching the spiders fly to the stuck insect paralyze it, and gift wrap it for its supper. It was our way of helping the circle of life along, and learning all about it. And great parallels to life as well.
When I was 4, I remember getting lost up the mountain. And falling to my knees near tears, frustration flowing over me, and asking heavenly Father for help to get home. When I looked up, there was nothing. A few minutes later, our dog Bridget, appeared out of nowhere. She came up to me and sat down. I was over joyed, I knew how to get home. I commanded her to “find mom” and I was able to follow her off the hill. (we called it the mountain as it seemed such to a little person) Bridget was an instrument in Gods hands and one of the first strong witnesses to my heart that Heavenly Father answers prayers, even though animals.
       I Remember as a young girl gathering and carrying the chickens to my dad and the Chopping block. I was the Chicken whisperer in my neighborhood. I was the one they would call if a chicken escaped, because I was always able to walk up to them and pick them up. They would never run. They would crouch down and snuggle in when I picked them up. there was never a question of them being aware with their spirits as I had witness many of my chickens die. AS I would carry them to the chopping block where my dads machete was waiting. I would sense fear then acceptance that they were fulfilling their purpose on earth.. In that case to feed me and my family. I learned a deep and unalterable respect for the food I ate. Whether from the garden, which I helped weed (Or watched my mom weed while I ate the berries), or the animals I helped raise. When reading about the passover, or a sacrificial lamb, I understood the importance, and meaning of it being one that was especially known and loved.
        I respected and ENJOYED the heat we had in the winter, as I had helped gather, and stack the wood we burned for warmth. I never chopped, I was never much good with the ax, and I have the scars to prove it. There were many a Saturday morning spent being up before any pre teen or child would wish, out in the bush as a family bucking and chopping wood, loading it into the trailer, and stacking it again at home. My dad worked hard during the day to bring home monetary means to provide for us. And his absence was felt by us all. Life was not about flipping a switch and what ever I wanted or needed was there. I watched my Parents work, and they taught me how to work and most importantly how to enjoy it, And that makes me truly grateful.
          Growing up in the country was the best thing in the world. As the world changes and I see Children getting more and more absorbed into these pathetic little electronics, where they are distracted and blocked from the beauty that God has made for them makes me want to scream and cry. The adversary wishes to distract them from living. I mean Really living. He makes them believe that a counterfeit life will be fulfilling and progressive. Keeping them over stimulated, Lulling them into a stupor, wasting precious time to grow and develop into spiritually wide awake and alive souls. We are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, or Cyber-man invasion and we are all signing up!
      I am so excited to share with my children, a similar, though vastly different type of childhood. The climate here is very different, the wild life equally so. I feel and I believe that every spirit needs to reconnect with the world heavenly father designed for us. Heavenly father believes in Pets, He did ask Adam to Name each animal in the garden after all.
Getting back to nature is how we begin to learn righteous dominion over all living things. Followed later by parenthood. This world is a beautiful wonderful gift and we must learn to nurture and care for it all around us and in return it will nurture our Minds, heart and spirit.

And really who could settle for anything less?

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Warning.

   I like to think possitively,  As much as possible.   So when I started having dreams, and very strong impressions about the Prophets counsel to "make sure all is safely gathered in" I was a little scared.  Its a little nerve racking when I read my scriptures before bed and see the prophices made there, being fullfilled on the news every night.   I get a little kick in the butt by the spirit when I see my government taking land owners rights away.  When I see the more part of the people electing "wicked" officials and laws that take our basic human rights away.  The right to take care of ourselves.  Food, shelter, water.  
    I fear cause our country along with our neighbours to the south are following blindly as our leaders piece by piece take away what our soldiers, bothers, fathers, sisters, mothers have fought so hard to keep, and protect.
   Everything our countries were founded on is being chipped away by a little bit of legislation here, and a little there.   We are now funding peoples sex change opperations, Abortion, partial birth abortions (don't know what that is, look it up);  and yet to speak of God or Pro life, or fundamental marriage, prayer, is out lawed in schools and the work place.   If you believe in absolutes in this world, you are discriminated against, called narrow minded, and hateful.   
    It is a sad place we have come too.  I don't hate those that believe in the first stated things.  I know God loves them as much as he loves me.  I just want to protect mine, and my childrens Rights to believe what we will.    In the 11th article of faith written to the world by Joseph Smith it states "We claim the priviledge of worshiping almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how where or what they may".
   With our rights being whittled away,  hearing the prophets speak in the last General Conferance,  or protecting our children, my fire is lit, and I will not place it under a "Bushel" but here it is to see.
   We must fight for our rights to be self sufficient.   Our basic freedoms should not be infringed upon.  We have been told to get out of debt, to plant gardens, get our food storage, and lay up spiritual strength.
   I could go on an list all the things I know how to do to help in case of an emergency,  but I wont in this post.   This time I think the only thing I would want to give anyone who reads this, is not possible for me to give.  But I can beseach you to learn how to reciecve revelation from our all Loving Heavenly Father.    Learn how to listen to the being who knows and sees all.  then learn to listen and follow. 
  I know what he has told me I need to do,  and Rob and I are going all out to do it.  What does he want you to do?  What does he have to tell you.
  Receiving light and knowledge from Heavenly Father is the only thing that will get us individually through any trial.  whether it be death, poverty, mental illness, heart break of any kind.  He will point us in the direction we should go.  we HAVE to be willing and open to listen.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being a Princess

  Someone once told me when encouraging me to look at lavish houses reaching sizes of close to 4000 square feet, that I need to wake up every day feeling like a Princess.  I used to wonder if that is really what it would take.  Well I live in my 1300 square foot house, (Plus a slightly smaller basement) it was built in the late 70's early 80s, and i am happy to  say that every day I wake up and feel like a princess, or a queen.   I wake up every morning next to the Man of my dreams, Sleeping on a King Sized bed with the head board my hubby and i made together.  Surrounded by pictures and things we have done and made side by side.  Then we kneel together to start the day with prayer.  then a hour or so later I get hugs and loves from the 3 most important people in my world.   I even have a court jester. Her name is Dot, She weighs roughly 16 pounds, but her jokes pack a heavy punch. never fail to get me smiling.  She is a Boston terrier. and a total clown.
  My walls are decorated in hand prints and pencil, and sometimes even crayon.  My kids are my resident artists. I work like a slave, but live like a queen.
  My house isn't on an acreage, its not an Italian Villa, or fancy mansion, but every day I wake up a Queen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A trial of Faith

  I recently watched an interview of a former member of the church to which I belong.  It shook me a little. My heart broke.  I was once fond of this person.  He was entertaining and seemed a strong LDS guy.  Now I am still fond of him, but I am sad too.  He has lost his faith, he chose to not follow the counsel given to him. and he was persuaded by the adversary that he had to save himself without Christ, he fell, and Satan pulled him down to hopelessness.    How can I assume this? Well because I have been there. I know what it is like to lose it all, and I know what it is like to feel the arms of angels bare me up and pull me back to life.  All I had to do was truly give my life over to my savior. It is a hard thing to do, Especially when I didn't know him as well as I could have.  Sometimes it feels like you are Atlas holding the sky on your shoulders.  When we get to the point when we are finally humble enough to give it over, to admit we are not strong enough anymore, he will take that burden, he will put people in our lives to hold us up despite the pain. And Miracles will happen.  I remember one day, I was a mess on the floor of the shower, feeling deeply broken down, I was losing the battle in my mind and heart, and despair was creeping back into my heart.  I said a soft but desperate prayer, for help. for something to even distract me from my thoughts.  The phone rang just as I said amen. It was a dear friend I had lost touch with. Her child had been battling cancer the past year.  She called and told me she had just felt like she should call me. The spirit had touched her heart, and having ignored previous promptings regarding other things that week, she jumped on the opportunity. We talked, and though I told her little of my struggles, her voice, and her incredible charity, strength, and kindness, lifted me out of the pit set for me, and I moved forward again.  He always provides a way.
  When the pain is so great, you feel you are crumbling, through the wreckage we will see new life.  Something that is at first weak and fragile, in need of care and nourishment,  it grows up to replace the parts that are broken, and becomes stronger and more beautiful that that which preceded it.
    I know that at times when things are not fitting right in my heart, I can turn to my scriptures, fall to my knees, or turn to the words of the prophets, and I am uplifted, the spirit touches my heart and I know, I know that the gospel of Christ is real, it is true, it is sweet to my soul.  There is GREATNESS in all people. those who know, those who don't. We are ALL created and loved by the same God. No matter what name we know him by.  Those who live different lives than us, have different burdens. Those who have similar burdens are different people and carry them differently.  They have different strengths so rather than judging them, how about we reach out and see what we can do to help them.   Most times when I struggle, all I really need is a little extra love. And that I am sure is universal.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Last Baby

  Today is Zachary's 2nd birthday. I still am suffering whiplash from how much time has sped up since first holding him in my so tired and shaky arms 2 years ago.  He is just a 25 pound burst of sunshine. He has a smile that warms my guts.
  The past 2 years have been amazing. He is so fun and full of love. One of my favorite things he does is point to a part of my cheek, or another place on my face,  say "Right there" and give me a kiss, then he points to a part of his face and tells me "Right there" and I have to give him a kiss.  He gives great snuggles, though now when i ask he says "No!" with a silly grin, giggles and runs away.
  He likes to hold my hand and sit beside daddy. He is a blast to be around.

  Today we had a monster cake, and pizza for dinner.  I still feel sick.  Its amazing, I am down to the weight I was before I started having babies, and I have 3 of them. It makes life so awesome, I am able to keep up with them, Run through the parks and and carry them around.  Riley Doesn't have any money yet, (as he doesn't yet get a regular allowance) but he really wanted to give Zach a presant, so without my knowledge he wrapped up a couple of his own TOys and books and Gave them to Zach.  Riley Truly has the most kind and gentle heart.  I learn so much from him.  he reminds me of My Dad in so meny ways, his curiousity and passion for learning at the front.  He is awesome.  Zach is so lucky to have a big brother like him.  And Zach worships the ground he walks on.
  Maddie was really excited to "help" with the cake. She was on a nice big sugar high by the time Rob got home, but she too was excited for Zach and gave him lots of snuggles. Maddie Kept saying how she loves that her birthday is in  July.  So I have a feeling we will be planning that for the next while.
  Anyway these are some pictures and Video from today.

This is the book we got him Called I love you Hugaboo.  It is so Cute!  And he almost sat for the whole thing when I was reading it too him....Maybe on a day when he hasn't had a nap....
The bear at the end opens up to give the reader a hug...

The Toy and book Riley gave him are on the floor in front of him.  Riley said that Zach has been wanting them for a while so he gave them to him.

And the talking Singing puppy we gave him. Already a big hit. 

Zach Eating a monster eye ball (Comprized of marshmallows and butter cream)

"I love you Zach!  Give Daddy a Grin..."

                                                           Are you Cute?

YUMMY Cake.....

I love Watching him eat, but the priceless part of this is Maddie Making her piece of cake talk.  She has the most amazing Imagination ever, and Riley is SO literal.  It is just great. I love my kids.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Daddy's Request

 My dad told me to save my talks.  Well this is the first in 7 years.  and here it is. 

Becoming who we are meant to be

I have written about 4 talks over the past 6 weeks as I fretted over this moment, and none of them felt right so I wrote this one on Friday! I was asked to speak on some ambiguous topic, What I managed to settle on was something that I am still learning, and in all likelihood will be for the rest of my life.
Becoming who we are meant to be, that thought, or topic kept coming to mind. Maybe because it is a life long pursuit, for all of us. There is a movie, one of my favorites Called Joe Vs The Volcano, that I kept thinking of, and as his metaphoric guardian angle says “I can't tell you who you are” but he goes on to help him along his way. I can't tell you who you are but I will list some tools I have found that have helped me along the way, so far.

First I want to tell you a little about my jumping off point, hopefully it will remind you of one of your own.
I remember as a Kid my mom waking My sister up for Church one morning. She Rolled over and growled, “I am not going to church any more!” My sister having missed the previous week incensed the spirit to guide my mom to say “Fine, you get one more week! But we McCall's Go to church.” The Next week She was up and ready to go, and every week Following.

Our last names can define us, and sometimes we define, or redefine our last name.

Okay on to my hints.
Hint one.
Make a list. If you don't write it down it is just a dream; rather than a Goal.
Elder Carl B Cook spoke of a moment he had with Pres. Monson, when he was struggling under the new mantle he was given as a general Authority. After being lifted by his Cheerfulness, optimism and great faith in the lord, he saw how much Pres Monson “Trusts in the Lord and relies on him for strength, and the Lord blesses him”
now, who wouldn't want to be those things?
They can be the most simple things. To be happy, to focus more on the positive. Increase faith, gain a testimony, not hit your brother today. In the Church we have so many shining examples before us. I will never forget my young Womens leader when I was 12. Her name was Tracey. She loved horses, she was kind and faithful. Always willing to listen to me jabber on at the speed of light for indeterminate amounts of time. At times I may feel, “I will never be as patient or kind as Tracey Pringle, or as Sweet as Rose and Silvannah”, but It is on my list, I have another 60 to 70 years to perfect that those things! Hopefully it wont take that long, because I have a long list.

Hint 2
Read Your Patriarchal Blessing.
What an immeasurable gift they are. They are scripture just for us. They are sacred, not to be boasted of or freely shared. They are sacred.
A Patriarchal blessing gives us guidance, sometimes they can be a gimps of our life before we came here. Some list and clarify the gifts we have , or may have. What a wonderful blessing. They are a map. When we get lost, it can and will guide us back to progression. Pres. Monson wrote in the the feb 2010 liahona
“Your patriarchal blessing is yours and yours alone. It may be brief or lengthy, simple or profound. Length and language do not a patriarchal blessing make. It is the Spirit that conveys the true meaning. Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. … Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way. …”

Hint 3
Learn the Nature of God.
How many of you have been told how much you look like your parents? How many of you have ever said something, stopped and said “woah that is totally something my MOM/Dad would say!”
If you haven't, now I have said it, and, if I do flatter myself that you will remember I said it, will notice in short time, that you do. I notice my moms laugh, and hi frequency shriek of joy when I am playing with my puppy.
As we Come to better understand the nature of God, we better understand our potential and Privileges. We can know him better than we now know him. There is great comfort in having a personal, and close relationship With our Heavenly father. As Pres Uchdorf said, and I quote this a lot “We are nothing compared to God yet To God we are everything.”
When you know him, When you talk to him morning noon and night the tasks on your list, the characteristics on your list, no longer seem as daunting or unreachable. You have the all powerful Father in your corner, cheering you on.
And as we get to know him better, we will begin to see him More clearly in us. There is that country song from my early childhood that comes to mind. I am starting to see My father in me.

Hint #5
Don't get distracted. Don't fall into Satans ploys, plots, or traps. That stop our progression and stunt our growth in spirit, mind, and lives.
There is this fantastic series Rob and I read together. In this adventure series there was a place called the Lotus Hotel. It offered everything you could want, Food, entertainment, relaxation, excitement, all free of charge. They get stuck there for a time and when they try to leave, they notice, they wasted a great deal of time they didn't have and, The hero knows that had they stayed he would soon forget his life, and his quest.
That is one way we get snared. I am sure as the awkward pre teen I was, if told to make a list, top of mine would have been, “BE PRETTY!” Satan wants us to only focus on the superficial stuff. Out ward appearances, things that really don't matter, and cant last.
We have been given Blessings, the world would call them rules. But really they are things to keep us free. the Word of Wisdom keeps us free from addiction, Healthy and keen minded. The Word of wisdom is a physical and spiritual blessing.
Pres Packers Address “How to survive in Enemy Territory” gives a better picture of the Mine field we live in. But in interest of time I will share just the first bit.

You are growing up in enemy territory. When you become mature spiritually, you will understand how the adversary has infiltrated the world around you. He is in homes, entertainment, the media, language—everything around you. In most cases, his presence is undetected.
I want to tell you that which will be of most worth and most desirable. The scriptures say, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom,” and I would add, “with all [your] getting get [going!]”1 I do not have time to waste and neither do you.”
Time wasters are another insidious Trap. Time wasters can be anything, Video games, TV, movies, vanity, even literature, sports, anything that claims so much of your time and or thoughts it prevents you from becoming who and what you are designed to become. In 2 nephi 9:27 it says
 27 But wo unto him that has the law given, yea, that has all the commandments of God, like unto us, and that btransgresseth them, and that cwasteth the days of his dprobation, for awful is his state!

We live in a time so full of idle pursuits, people are falling like flies to this. If Satan can keep us looking down at a screen he barely has to try to keep us from progressing. The other day as I was busy facebooking, Riley came in the office and Asked “why are you watching that? Why don't you want to watch us?” I was duly chastised.
We are told in Mosiah 4:30 to watch our thoughts, words and deeds. because our thoughts define our character as George Albert Smith said “when your life is complete in mortality, it will be the sum of your thoughts”.
And Another, Please don't fall into the “just give up you will never be good enough” snare. That one is a spiritual, and emotional, Bear trap.
The others passify and lull us to sleep. To quote Joe Vs the Volcano again, “My father says the whole world is asleep...he says that only a few are awake and they live in a state of constant, total amazement” Satan wants us to waist our time here, to be damned or stopped up. In 2 nephi 1:13 it says
 13 O that ye would awake; awake from a deep sleep, yea, even from the sleep of hell, and shake off the awful chains by which ye are bound, which are the chains which bind the children of men, that they are carried away captive down to the eternal gulf of misery and woe.

So that hint summed up, Don't be a Zombie.
Hint 6
Be Patient with yourself. Repent or turn to God daily. Include our Father in heaven in all Goals, whether it be spiritual, Mental, or physical,. This may sound strange. But Before I exercise ever day, I kneel Down and ask heavenly Father for the strength and determination to get through it. And even ENJOY it. So far its working. IT had made a HUGE difference.
Hint 7
Along the way, for this is an ETERNAL endeavour, we MUST look at ourselves through the only eyes that can see us perfectly. The eyes of our saviour. The worlds eyes only see one shallow layer at a time. One shallow distorted layer. They Can Never see the full masterpiece. For that is the miracle of our mortality, everyday we become a masterpiece. It is up to us to decide whose Gallery we will hang in.
I would like to leave you with a quote I saw on kelly Bunnages FB, that I think makes it pretty clear what we are meant to be.
I would like to bare my testimony
As we harken to D&C 121:45 “Let Virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly that thy confidence may wax strong in the presence of god” we will be truly happy living in total amazement at Gods Glory and gifts all around us. And we will become what we are eternally meant to be. Light, intelligence, joy Charity and faith.
I say these things in The Name of he that makes all this possible, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Boys.

  I love watching my boys play.  Zach keeps taking Riley by the hand and leading him around the yard telling him (in 22 month gibberish) about everything he sees and wants to do. Riley was beaming and saying how much he loves his brother.  It was wonderful.  Riley would stand at the bottom of the slide and tell him when to go, and they would both laugh hysterically when Zach would land on the grass/mud beside Riley.   I love what great friends my kids are. it is awesome. I love the love that has been growing in our home.  Maddie Riley and Zach are squealing in the bath tub soaking their feet.