Friday, June 17, 2011

A Childs Prayer...

There is very little in this world more honest, more sincere than a Child's prayer. I Don't think there is anything my kids do on a regular basis that I enjoy more than listening to their nighttime prayers.
Last Night it was my turn to put the babes to bed. As i knelt beside Maddie she thanked heavenly father for her day, told him all about it, all the things she did and how much fun it was. Then in closing she thanked him again for "My friend Daddy, I love mommy" and she closed.
Riley's Prayers are much more mature, especially for his Age. The high light from yesterday had to be this "Thank You for the world, Ask that Thou will bless it. Thank you for my family, ask that you will bless it too, and all our friends, and everyone on the world.... (Big pause, and then he realized he left someone out) and Bless the astronauts TOO!! " LOL he is such a sweet and thoughtful boy. His testimony is so strong, he is always reminding me that we are an eternal family and we will be together for ever! and he is going to love me forever even after we are DEAD!

I hope I will always remember to be as honest in my prayers as my kids are in theirs.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am making a cake for Riley's piano Recital. It was loads of fun to do the practice cake, so here is proto type #1
I love making cakes, but after about 10 minutes the thrill of the creation wears off and I can't help but feel regret for not doing a better job. So this one is exciting cause i know exactly what I would like to do differently, and i will actually be able to do it again!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Really Living

I had an interesting conversation about perspective and feelings today....and it made me grateful to be part of a family that isn't afraid to be PASSIONATE or opinionated about things, whether it be politics, movies, or Religion. Some were saying how being passionate about things is a waste; one person said people are dishonest that get excited over little things. I figure life is really short, why not squeeze every last ounce out of every last moment?
So, to my family, thank you for teaching me to be passionate about life and to be convicted enough to have opinions. If you don't stand for something, you will find your self on your butt falling for any, and everything.