Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Life worth living....For me.

     I grew up in paradise, A place called metchosin, (which translated means Stinking Fish, but that is a story for another time.) It was a little place outside of Victoria on Vancouver Island. My every day play mates were, My chickens, My Bunny, My Guinea pigs, pigs, and of course, My Dog Molly. There was so much to do, explore the woods, look for snakes under the 2 square foot concrete blocks at the back of the property, or catch frogs in the ditch at the bottom of the driveway. Much of my time was spent Riding my bike around the house, roller skating, exploring the woods around the property and much more. Sometimes during the early and mid fall if I was really lucky, I could find and Eft along the road or under a log.. An eft is an immature reddish orange Newt, I had a couple as pets and would dig worms for their food. My dad taught me how to feed the efts by hanging the wriggling worm in front of its nose. They were almost as fun to watch eat as my frogs. They lived in the terrarium that my dad and I built out of My old cracked aquarium. I would leave the bathroom window open and the light on, attracting crane flies for their dinner. Crane flies are incredibility easy to catch and make for good Frog eating. They look like a really big mosquito but do not bite. Some days the frog would miss them with his big pinkish white tongue which would get stuck to the glass. That was always funny, and gave me a chance to see what it looked like. We would never keep any amphibian long, as they are much happier in the wild. a good week was all we needed for learning and play.
When I wasn't off scavenging new pets, I would sit under the big pine trees and Listen to the eagle whistling, and the sparrows twittering. Or Climb up the alder and read a book, or play superheros, and explore, and build amazing tree forts with the boy next door. Our highest was 8 levels tall, His dad built the main part then we would pound nails into 2X4s and weave rope around them for our next level and so on. And sometimes I would help Romeo, my sisters Guinea pig; over the barrier between him and the girly guineas....That's where I learned a little more about how babies are made.
     During the winter I learned about physics with tobogganing down our steep hill for the 2 days per year that there was snow, or redirecting the water as it poured in streams down the paths. I also learned that my parents will FREAK OUT if I bring a poor innocent mouse inside after it was attacked by the cat. I learned about life, procreation, and death. Mostly I learned my heavenly father loves me. You cannot stand at the top of Mount Ash watching the sun set into the Sooke harbor while the moon rises over the forest and not feel loved by a supernal Father.

     It was outside in nature that I first started contemplating my Divine Nature, and the divine nature of Animals, and all gods creations. The scripture that says the god is mindful of even when a sparrow falls, was one that always stuck with me. I always tried to treat all the creations I handled with love and respect. I learned not to fear Gods creatures, not Even the carpenter ants, right before I threw them into the spiders web. Fall was such a great time growing up, when the termites and carpenter ants would fly out of their nests, my sisters and I would watch them climbing out from the trees, or landing on them (I am not sure which) then gather them up and go and feed all the hungry spiders. It was amazing watching the spiders fly to the stuck insect paralyze it, and gift wrap it for its supper. It was our way of helping the circle of life along, and learning all about it. And great parallels to life as well.
When I was 4, I remember getting lost up the mountain. And falling to my knees near tears, frustration flowing over me, and asking heavenly Father for help to get home. When I looked up, there was nothing. A few minutes later, our dog Bridget, appeared out of nowhere. She came up to me and sat down. I was over joyed, I knew how to get home. I commanded her to “find mom” and I was able to follow her off the hill. (we called it the mountain as it seemed such to a little person) Bridget was an instrument in Gods hands and one of the first strong witnesses to my heart that Heavenly Father answers prayers, even though animals.
       I Remember as a young girl gathering and carrying the chickens to my dad and the Chopping block. I was the Chicken whisperer in my neighborhood. I was the one they would call if a chicken escaped, because I was always able to walk up to them and pick them up. They would never run. They would crouch down and snuggle in when I picked them up. there was never a question of them being aware with their spirits as I had witness many of my chickens die. AS I would carry them to the chopping block where my dads machete was waiting. I would sense fear then acceptance that they were fulfilling their purpose on earth.. In that case to feed me and my family. I learned a deep and unalterable respect for the food I ate. Whether from the garden, which I helped weed (Or watched my mom weed while I ate the berries), or the animals I helped raise. When reading about the passover, or a sacrificial lamb, I understood the importance, and meaning of it being one that was especially known and loved.
        I respected and ENJOYED the heat we had in the winter, as I had helped gather, and stack the wood we burned for warmth. I never chopped, I was never much good with the ax, and I have the scars to prove it. There were many a Saturday morning spent being up before any pre teen or child would wish, out in the bush as a family bucking and chopping wood, loading it into the trailer, and stacking it again at home. My dad worked hard during the day to bring home monetary means to provide for us. And his absence was felt by us all. Life was not about flipping a switch and what ever I wanted or needed was there. I watched my Parents work, and they taught me how to work and most importantly how to enjoy it, And that makes me truly grateful.
          Growing up in the country was the best thing in the world. As the world changes and I see Children getting more and more absorbed into these pathetic little electronics, where they are distracted and blocked from the beauty that God has made for them makes me want to scream and cry. The adversary wishes to distract them from living. I mean Really living. He makes them believe that a counterfeit life will be fulfilling and progressive. Keeping them over stimulated, Lulling them into a stupor, wasting precious time to grow and develop into spiritually wide awake and alive souls. We are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, or Cyber-man invasion and we are all signing up!
      I am so excited to share with my children, a similar, though vastly different type of childhood. The climate here is very different, the wild life equally so. I feel and I believe that every spirit needs to reconnect with the world heavenly father designed for us. Heavenly father believes in Pets, He did ask Adam to Name each animal in the garden after all.
Getting back to nature is how we begin to learn righteous dominion over all living things. Followed later by parenthood. This world is a beautiful wonderful gift and we must learn to nurture and care for it all around us and in return it will nurture our Minds, heart and spirit.

And really who could settle for anything less?


Phyllis said...

Great "TedTalk" Meg!!! I hope the sisters in your Ward enjoyed it. So grateful you loved your childhood! Love you!!!

Mike and Katie said...

Love it Moo!!